Read This If You Want To:
Reach More People, Rapidly Grow Your Brand Online 
 . . . and Have a Bigger Impact on the World! 
Read This If You Want To:
Reach More People, Rapidly Grow Your Brand Online 
 . . . and Have a Bigger Impact on the World! 
🧚🏻‍♀️ From Marina De Giovanni
📍 Sydney, Australia
If you’d like to reach more people, rapidly grow your brand online, and have a bigger impact on the world ✨ . . .

Then this will be the most exciting page you'll ever read! 

Here's why:

I’m going to reveal . . .

 A NEW way to GROW online (that almost nobody knows about) 💯

But first, let's get real!

If I can guess, up to this point, it’s been a 24/7/365 hustle and you often rely on the “universe being on your side.” 💫

Don’t get it twisted - I’m all about working hard and positive karma. . . 

But, if you’re looking for something a bit more guaranteed, I have the answer for you.

I know what you might be thinking, and, NO. . . 

It’s not some “SECRET” you’ve already heard.

Before I tell you WHAT it is, though, let me first tell you WHO I am.

My name is Marina De Giovanni. . .

That’s me: 👇🏼
In the last two years, my business has sold over 300 THOUSAND products that. . . 


In case you think I’m exaggerating, here’s a current screenshot of my Stripe account:
I have to tell you, though, it wasn’t always this way. . .

Five years ago, I was sitting in a completely different seat than I am today.

I was STUCK working 24/7 (hello burnout!) . . .  

Completely overwhelmed. . . and I honestly didn’t know what my next step should be.

Fortunately. . .  

I ended up stumbling upon a group of high-performance online entrepreneurs.

They were self-taught experts from humble beginnings (like me!) . . . and all of them were now making a killing online!

This micro-segment of the online world immediately intrigued me. 🤩

So after investing every dollar I had in classes, workshops, and masterminds, I learned. . .  

The key to these experts’ success was something called a FUNNEL.

If you’re not sure what a funnel is, that’s okay!

Put simply. . .
A funnel is the journey your prospective customers/clients go through that leads them to purchasing one (or more) of your products or services.
I was drawn to funnels because you can simultaneously grow your following as you generate customers + clients.

In fact, amongst my high-level clients we refer to this as being able to . . . 


That's right . . .

Most other online business models require you to build an audience first, which usually takes a while to do.

But with funnels, you can quickly scale your following AND your brand.

It’s a pretty sweet strategy that’s completely gone UNTAPPED by the masses.

Speaking from personal experience, understanding funnels has the potential to change your life.  

When I discovered funnels, EVERYTHING CHANGED!

I went from a hustling, “nobody” entrepreneur to making the most 💰💰💰 I’ve ever made in my life!
And it was all because of funnels.

Just think about the possibilities of having YOUR OWN FUNNEL.

Imagine how it could change your business and life.

You could not only spend more time with the people you love. . . 

But you could also have the cash to experience life FREELY, without financial stress!

I’ve personally been able to travel the world in style 😎 while still having the resources to take care of my family and make a positive impact doing what I love! 

All with ONE successful funnel!

Truthfully, building a successful funnel can be a tricky process. . .

It can take years of trial and error and tens of thousands of dollars wasted on easily avoidable mistakes.

The GOOD NEWS is . . . 

I’m going to build YOUR profitable funnel with you! 

So you don’t have to worry about trying to figure out how to do it on your own. . .

All you have to do is follow the simple BLUEPRINT that I’m about to give you!

In just a few hours, I’ll show you how to totally transform your business . . . and you can get started IMMEDIATELY!

Does that sound like something you want?

If you’re interested, here’s what I’ve got for you. . . 

"I'd rate this six stars if I could!"
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

First, let me say this isn’t your ordinary “business” or “marketing” book.

Time is precious, so there’s no B.S. Just tested and proven tactics.
And It’s about MORE than just funnels.
You can actually use the same system in this book to create a variety of businesses, products, services, and more.
Whether you’re a coach, consultant, expert, course creator, or service provider. . .

If you want to sell more products or get more clients. . .this book will work for you. 💯

Like I said, there’s more to this little book than just funnels. 😉

Here’s Exactly What You’re Getting:👇🏼

  • NEW: Simple 10-minute solution solves the most common mistake entrepreneurs make when selling a product or service. Page 16.
  • The secret to charging top dollar for your products/services (hint: it takes just one tweak to make your offer instantly more valuable!). Page 31. 
  • The FASTEST way for female entrepreneurs to make a name for themselves (even in an overly-saturated market.) Page 10.
  • ​My personal technique for selling thousands of copies of an eBook. . . without having any previous writing expertise. Page 32.
  • How to get your offline business ONLINE (and how to get more customers and clients than you normally would!) Page 12.
  • ​My proven high-ticket sales system that will enable you to sell your products/services for $2,000-$20,000. Page 31. 

My simple 'auto-pilot technique' for generating sales 24/7. (HINT – this is the same system I used to make $10 million in 2 years). Page 27.

  • The social media 'loophole' you need to know if you want to get more followers, customers, and clients. Page 53. 
  • IMPORTANT! The most cost-effective way to acquire customers and get an immediate sale, allowing you the freedom to grow. . .FAST! Page 27. 
  • How to sift through conflicting information from “experts” and “gurus” and apply ONLY proven methods that get you REAL results! Page 6.
  • Fool-proof approach to secure sustainable, long-term growth (so you don’t have to worry about where your next sale will come from). Page 19.
  • ​A “new” business model that WORKS. . .regardless of the state of the economy! Page 12.

The simple, yet untapped method to explode your Instagram following. . . AND your bank account at the same time! Page 5.

  • ​A free marketing strategy that gets eyeballs on your products and services. . . even if you’re working with limited resources. Page 21.
  • Why most business models don't work. Let me show you what business model to use instead. Page 52.
  • ​​The secret 'SCALING technique' that’s right under your nose (but you’re likely not applying!) Page 7.
  • ​My “everyday woman” strategy that will show you how to create fame and authority within your niche. . .even if you have no online presence! Page 8.     
  • ​What to do FIRST when building your brand. Page 10.

The ONE thing that will double (if not triple!) sales from your existing customers. Page 13.

  • A simple growth hack that makes it easy to get more followers, customers, or clients. Page 53.
  • ​The automated business model that will help you spend less time working and more time doing what you love. Page 27.
  • ​The SHOCKINGLY easy 3-part strategy to creating simple cell phone videos that will stop anyone dead in their tracks! Page 50.
  • ​How you can create a product that you can sell in under 2 hours! Page 38.
  • The EXACT templates, scripts, worksheets, PLUS marketing and sales funnel campaigns you need to grow your business NOW. Page. 63.
  • ​​. . . AND SO MUCH MORE.
You’re right, that was a lot to take in, but I’m just getting started. You’re also getting . . .
TWO Exclusive "Fast Growth" Bonuses!
At the end of this book, you’re getting two powerful free bonuses that you can start using TODAY:


If your first thought is, “Not another investment!” DON’T WORRY! The strategies I’m teaching you work so that the ads pay for themselves. 🤯

In other words, this “new” strategy will focus on getting your money back IMMEDIATELY and your following will grow as a result!

You’ll be able to give up spending hours and hours a day trying to grow on social media. . .let FB + IG ads do the work for you!

Everything you need to start creating fun, highly converting, and engaging ads is right inside and. . .it’s yours, FREE!!!
Here’s a few of the things you'll find inside:
  • Getting set up in Facebook Ads Manager.
  • ​How to create images for ads (including you how to use stock images when you’re pressed for time.)
  • How to create simple videos that get millions of views. . .right from your phone!
  • Exactly what to say (and do!) in your videos so they’re entertaining AND valuable!
  • ​I’ll show you how to write like you’ve been doing it for years! I even include a script, so you can cut right to the chase and start NOW!
  • ​The one thing most people forget – TRACKING! I’ll show you what to look for in your ad results, and how to optimize to increase customer/client conversion.
PLUS, you're also getting. . .


One of the biggest hurdles online entrepreneurs face is the TECH side of the business.

How do I know this to be true?

Because I’ve personally been there! I lived and breathed "tech hell" for almost 5 years.

And I've since coached THOUSANDS of other female business owners how to avoid getting trapped with the technology side of their business.

This is why I’ve compiled my MEGA list of funnels + business tech tools.

I’m giving you pages of battle-tested and reliable tech tools my team and I use to run our business!

So if you want to run an online empire, but the tech side intimidates you. . .I’ve got you!

This list is literally your accelerator  for business growth!
Here’s a few of the things you'll find inside:
  • Funnel building tools.
  • Email marketing tools.
  • ​Social media management and customer support tools.
  • ​Outsourcing tools.
  • ​Payment provider tools.
  • Editing software/apps.
  • . . .And much, MUCH more!
This is completely free  - my gift to you!

Don't Take My Word For It... 

"This is her best book ever." 

"I tested it out as an experiment today sure as hell we got a few sales. I've made the ebook  money back 😘" 

"Super informative. I was amazed at the information shared. Defo worth!!!!" 

"Ladies this is the future [...] within a week of buying her $5 book I'm nearly finished my first book that has been a work in progress for years." 

"If anyone follows every step written in the book, they'll have an online business up and running that's for sure. The transparency is refreshing ❤️"

"Loved funnel famous!!! It's guiding me through creating my first ever funnel to my new membership group"

"I have finished it and I'm blown away"

"Your book Funnel Famous is an eye opener for me! [...] Well worth the purchase!"

"I was happy to spend my $5 on this and not a latte!"

Here’s what to do next. . .
This investment in your business will only cost $5.60, and you’ll receive the book download instantly via email.

You can access your book anytime, anywhere, without having to wait for any packages!

Truthfully, I don’t make a profit off my book sales. All the money generated goes right back into outreach and helping more people through my ads.

As you know, social platforms have an 'algorithm,' so getting this IMPORTANT message in the hands of people can’t be done with 'organic reach' alone.

Getting this book today will not only help YOU, it will also help me, help others.

After all, we’re in this together. 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻

Oh, and in case you’re wondering. . .
If you’re thinking, “$5.60 is cheap. . .what’s the catch?” I'm happy to put your mind at ease:
  • $5.60 puts this information within the reach of EVERYONE!
  • ​It weeds out the freebie-seekers. I only want serious students who take action. Even $5 gets rid of 99% of the chuckle-heads.
  • ​I’m also cool like that . . . I like to hook up my friends - (at least I hope we can be friends!)
That being said, there is ONE more thing to keep in mind. . .
Time is of the essence!
Here's why. . .

I technically lose money when selling the book at this price. It costs me, on average, $23.70 in advertising costs to sell one book.

So, why am I selling it at such an affordable cost?

Simple! I want to help you GROW your business. . .and I have the power to do that!

If I can’t get the numbers to work, though, I’ll have to stop this promotion.

If this page IS still here, then the offer is live, but I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Like I said, this is a VERY limited offer
Oh - one more thing. . .

Because I LOVE to massively over-deliver (can't help myself, hope you don't mind 😜). . .

Let me add ANOTHER free bonus. . .

You’re Also Getting a High-level "Funnel Growth System" Video Training - FREE!
During this training, I’ll show you a NEW approach that brought in $236,759.88 in gross sales in 30 days.

Due to such immediate success, I’ve created a full-blown training around this approach.

I’m giving you a fast-track class where you’re not only seeing every aspect of my funnel growth strategy. . .you’re also being shown how to implement it immediately. 🔑

This is the EXACT step-by-step strategy I’m currently using (and have been using) to SCALE my business.

There’s no charge for it whatsoever. I just want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book! 🎁
Here’s a few of the things you'll find in this special bonus:
  • A NEW approach to making a killing on Instagram in a shocking, yet powerful way!
  • ​Why you DON’T need an existing following to crush it online! 🔑
  • ​How focusing your time and energy on just this ONE THING is the secret to rapid GROWTH in the next 60-90 days. ⚡️
  • ​How to make yourself untouchable to algorithm updates that crush organic reach.
  • ​PLUS, real-world case studies (and PROOF) of regular gals who have almost instantly skyrocketed to the NEXT LEVEL using this NEW approach.
And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as a lil' bonus for checking out the book.

This is my way of guaranteeing that you can start implementing everything you will learn in Funnel Famous. . . right away.
I can’t forget to mention. . .

Even though you're paying a ridiculously low price, you're still protected by. . .
I 100% guarantee you'll love this book and the bonuses or I'll return your $5.60 . . . and you can keep the book and bonuses anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I'll give you back your money, no questions asked.

Sound fair?

You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

But, again. . .
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me 🙃) who just skips to the end of the page, here’s a recap:

I’m giving you my brand-new book, Funnel Famous. . .

A simple, yet powerful book that outlines a NEW online strategy that will transform your business if you apply it (just like it did for me)!

All you pay is a measly $5.60.

**** Plus, you’re also getting THREE bonuses:

BONUS 1: Rapid Facebook + Instagram Ads Growth Plan ✅

BONUS 2: Marina’s Mega List of Funnels + Business Tech Tools ✅

BONUS 3: Advanced "Funnel Growth System" Video Training ✅

I’m giving you these as free bonus gifts because I want you to implement what you learn in the book immediately . . .

And get results in the FASTEST WAY POSSIBLE!

There are no gimmicks. In fact, I’ve 100% GOT YOUR BACK.

If you don’t absolutely love the book, just let me know. I’ll give you your $5.60 back and you can keep the book AND the bonuses anyway.

How’s that for fair? 

You may want to hurry, though! This is truly a limited offer that won’t last. 
And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book. 🎁

Look …
 The book is great and you'll get everything you need from it.
But I'm the kinda gal that likes to go big or go home and if you’re still reading this…
I know you’re the type to make it happen.
                            That's why I’m giving you this bonus class. It's my little way to ensure that you start implementing
 everything you will learn in Influencer Secrets ... right away.

So yes ...
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